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Friday, Jan. 14, 2005 - 2:23 p.m.

These things I've realized:

That it is my mother's nature to's what she's good at, she will do it till the end of time.

That I'm a shallow, vauge simblance of a real person.

That I'm happiest when I'm totally alone, and that makes me sad.

That people don't love on purpose, although it is a possible and albeit difficult alternative.

That those who are my friends, or rather those who were my friends rarely last...and that it's my fault that they don't.

That fundementally man (or mankind) is not born happy. This is something that was understood by our founding fathers...ergo the right to pursue happiness; as long as it's within the boundries of the law. They wouldn't let me going around shoving kittens up peoples asses no matter how happy I claimed it made me.

That my mother's and grandmother's desire to be needed is greater than their desire to be trusted, and that for some reason I discovered this long long ago.

That my father will always love me matter how many 'damn holes' I put in myself.

That my brother thinks 'there isn't a girl around as cool as my sister.'

That caffine seems to taste better at the wrong times.

That even with all my artistic talent, I'll never be a seemstress.

That I can regret the mistakes I've made, no matter how much I say otherwise.

That phone books will only get thicker.

That man will always re-invent the razor, and the tele phone, and the radio, and the computer, and the...

That I'll never catch up, so I must 'circumvent'.

That my love is biased and cruel. And sometimes I fear that my heart is cold, and others I simply don't care.

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